I've probably said before I don't update the blog when I'm in the middle of a bad time, whether that means physically or emotionally, the former because I don't really have the power of either communication or concentration, the latter because I'm too miserable. I also suspect some of what I write is a difficult read anyway, well I know it is because people have told me, and I'm not in the business of scaring anyone. The gaps between blogs are generally the 9 days post chemo when being upright would be an achievement, I understand it is a breeze for some, that triathlons are run. In this house directions are taken from my bed and being up and about, as I am on the 10th day (today) is cause for much excitement.
So I am up to having had cycle (as they are called) four of chemo. FEC-T is three cycles of FEC and one of T, so I'm up to the first T. I knew what the side effects could be but it is impossible to tell what one might get, the list is endless, but it is so different for everyone. The headlines were less nausea, flu like aching, weight gain. I knew I could also start getting mouth problems such as ulcers, nail issues such as them falling off, and pins and needles.I was hoping mainly for less nausea. What they don't tell you is that this drug can cause permanent hair loss. People in America are suing the drug co. I've emailed Phillip Kingsley for hair loss reversal type advice post chemo.
I can say nothing but that today is fine and the last 9 days have been anything but. I still had nausea although it was slightly less debilitating so I could sit up in bed, but I was sick more often. The impact on my stomach and digestion may result in a chart at some point, having become slightly obsessed. The aches and pains are more like being run over than flu like symptoms and all of that mean dehydration headaches. It was all very painful pretty much everywhere and the pins and needles were astonishing. Sleep was over challenging with that much pain and the worst of it is that some of the side effects don't go away post treatment. Now I am back to 'normal,' up and about quickly shakes off the previous week. Back at my desk doing some work and not quite fit and active, but enough near normal to feel happy about it.

In other news, Cancer Research are using the film of my wig fitting so they came to see me pre chemo to show me mine and the other films. they are all really good, mine is funny. I pull a lot of faces saying no to a lot of wigs, I can see why children find me funny now, my face is like plasticine. You don't see that when you look in the mirror now do you. Will post link when it is up, no idea when that is. At least I know now which charity it is for now, I said yes to the Macmillan man at the hospital because he is so nice, didn't register that bit. Oops. #CANCERRIGHTNOW